Witchcraft Against Your Business From Competitors

Several years ago, a pastor shared an experience his wife had in her business. She open a clothing business and it was doing very well. There was another clothing store who had been in the neighborhood before her own. Her competitor was jealous of her success. One day, he came inside her store and went to a corner of the store where there was no clothing (products) and dropped something. The pastor and his wife took it lightly. Soon the business took a downward turn and eventually they shut down the store permanently.

The truth is that some of your business competitors use withcraft powers to attract customers and will also use witchcraft powers to attack their competitors.

I heard about another business that opened and was really doing well. All of a sudden, customers stopped going to the store. The owner decided to pray about the situation and got a dream, where he saw three men dressed in all black from head to toe. In front of the men was a long line of people tryig to get inside the store, but the three men was blocking them. Their store was under a serious attack. He prayed to remove the demons from the store and immediately customers started patronizing the store, like before.

A member of my church who own a real estate office told me about a similar experience. After another business on the same block as her office threatened to shut her down, customers stopped coming to her office. The man practiced witchcraft against her business.

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   Answer: You can pray anytime you choose

Prayer Points

O Lord, locate and destroy by fire every evil charm, hex, spell, jinx, manipulation and witchcraft working against my life, in Jesus name.
Holy ghost fire, flow through me and destroy every demonic personality and plantation in my life, in Jesus name.
I remove my name from every evil list, in Jesus name.
Every demonic personality following me around be arrested by fire, in Jesus name.
I bind every sorcerer, diviner, soothsayer, necromancer, false prophet(ess), psychic and witch doctor hired to do me harm, in Jesus name.
I reverse every evil done to me in my dreams, in Jesus name.
I dismantle and destroy every monitoring gadget of the enemies, in Jesus name.
O Lord, visit the foundation of my life and fix every problem in it, in Jesus name.
I destroy every remote controlling power working against my life, in Jesus name.


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