About Pastor Femi

Kehinde Olufemi Akojenu, aka Pastor Femi, was saved at the age of thirteen. He started his ministry at the age of fifteen in Nigeria. From the very beginning of his ministry the Lord has used him to heal the sick, cast out demons and impact lives. He is an anointed teacher and preacher and the Pastor of The LifeZone Church in Queens, New York. His message appeals to all ages and cultures. His passion to see people saved and delivered prompted him to start several community outreach projects in his community, such as Health Fairs, Job Fairs, Annual Great Thanksgiving Banquet, evangelistic crusades in Universities and High Schools, just to name a few.

He is also an anointed deliverance minister who ministers deliverance to the captives through Deliverance Today Radio and TV broadcasts, weekly international Spiritual Warfare Conference Call, Spiritual Warfare University Classes and Healing, Miracle and Deliverance Crusades around the Country.

Besides being a pastor, Dr. Femi is a John Maxwell Certified Executive Coach. He coaches in the area of business, media, personal development, success, finance, marketing, etc. He holds monthly motivational and mentoring seminars in New York. His one-on-one coaching sessions have helped many people get the business off the ground and running. He does corporate training, leadership coaching and development. He also gives back to the community through his Motivate the Downcast Non-profit organization. This NGO brings life and motivation back to the dreams of the downcast.

Pastor Femi Akojenu is also the founder and CEO of LifeZone Television, a 24/7 Christian Television Station that broadcasts into over five million households through TV, Internet, Mobile, Satellite, Roku and more. LifeZone TV features several prominent ministers of the Gospel in America and around the world such as Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Sid Roth, Charles Stanley, Jack Van Impe, Noel Jones, George Bloomer, Mike Murdock and much more.

Pastor Femi Akojenu has been featured in The New York Times, New York Daily News, Southeast Queens Press, Southeast Queens Chronicles, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), Speak Out Declare Your Day, Watchman Broadcasting, WMCA AM and other radio programs and news media. He speaks regularly at churches and conferences locally and nationally. His Enough is Enough deliverance services bring deliverance and healing to many people every week.

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